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about us

Where a lifelong fascination with weather
and an unexpected career journey intersect

Our mission is to provide our audience with engaging content, insightful perspectives, and a glimpse into our own unique worlds. Join us on this exciting journey where curiosity knows no bounds, and let's make every day a little sunnier, even when the skies are cloudy.

Have you been trying to speak honestly but haven't found the right venue? We're here for the stuff you've been keeping under wraps, the things you want to get off your chest. Whether it's a guilty pleasure, an unpopular opinion, or a conspiracy theory that keeps you up at night, we're all ears. We promise we won't judge... much!

Reach out to Dave & Andy through our contact form below and get started clearing your conscience.

A Message From Your Hosts

Welcome to our corner of the digital world
Dave Dahl
Dave Dahl

For 43 years, I was a friendly face on your TV screen, bringing you the latest weather updates and forecasts.

Just as I've connected with countless viewers over the years, I'm here to connect with you, offering an empathetic ear and a genuine understanding of the stories waiting to be shared.

A life on television, where every word and nuance matters, has honed my ability to truly listen.

Andy Dahl
Andy Dahl

My journey in business management has taught me the value of honesty, as it lays the foundation for trust and growth.

Through this experience, I've discovered that the freedom of honesty opens doors to meaningful conversations and real solutions.

As a listener, I'm here to empower you to find your voice, knowing that truth is the cornerstone of progress.

1000s of
Potential Topics

Got a burning question or a quirky secret?

Share with us! We're all ears for the weird and wonderful.
Click below to submit your brainwaves, and let's dive into
the rabbit hole of your imagination together!


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